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Spatial humanities

Spatial Humanities is research that combines humanities, environmental sciences and geography-based practices to study physical, cognitive, perceptual and relational aspects of the human spatial experience


  • A Basic Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    This pathfinder provides an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), covering analysis and visualization. It explains various spatial methods and each method is explained with a definition, practical examples and links to free resources online for further reading and exploration.
  • Building and Linking Humanities' Digital Spatial Infrastructures

    This workshop, focussing on "Spatial data medieval to modern", is the first of a series of workshops from the NOS-HS project "Linking, Building, and Sustaining Humanities Digital Spatial Infrastructures for Research in the Nordic Countries". The main aims of this workshop were to define key concepts (spatial infrastructures, Linked Open Data, metadata, ontology), outline major challenges in the field, and to provide an opportunity to share experiences of addressing the issues in individual and national projects across the Nordic countries.
    • Alexandra Petrulevich
    • Sara Ellis-Nilsson
    • Peder Gammeltoft
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  • Historical Farm and People Registry in Iceland

    This presentation outlines the aim and scope of the Historical Farm and People Registry project, explains the development process and problems encountered on the way, and demonstrates a use case for the ‘final’ product.
  • Finding Places in Text with the World Historical Gazetteer

    Researchers often need to be able to search a corpus of texts for a defined list of terms and historians are often interested in certain places named in a text or texts. This lesson details how to programmatically search documents for a list of terms, including place names and then how to obtain coordinates and map historical place names with the World Historical Gazetteer.
  • Using Digital Archives for Geographical and Archaeological Research

    This video recording is of 'Using Digital Archives for Geographical and Archaeological Research', the second webinar in a three-part public lecture series hosted by the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), aimed at early career researchers. The webinar showcases the rich research resources contained in digital archival collections that can be used to advance geographical and archaeological research.
  • Introduction to Map Warper

    This lesson from Programming Historian introduces basic use of Map Warper for historical maps. It guides you from upload to export, demonstrating methods for georeferencing and producing visualizations.
  • Geographical Text Analysis

    Geographical Text Analysis (GTA) is a relatively recent development in the approach to studying, analysing, and extracting the content of textual sources that offers a new method for combining techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP), Corpus Linguistics, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Humanities research. This module offers a step-by-step guide with real data, with a focused interest in querying the geographic nature of textual sources, and analysis of spatial information on a large scale.
    • Katherine Bellamy
    • Piraye Hacıgüzeller
    • Rebecca Kahn
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  • Spatial Image Analytics

    Do you work with digital images in a humanities discipline? Are you interested in exploring the spatial properties of your dataset but don't know how? Or maybe you are just curious on the topic. This workshop aims to introduce participants to the technologies and technical abilities required for the spatial exploration of image datasets and is of interest to a variety of digital humanities students, scholars and professionals.

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